AMA Legal Park Flyer Kits

Displaying products 1 - 15 of 15 results
Price: $128.00
32” wing span electric RC model. Park, sport & fun flyer with retro looks.
e'SinBad the Sailor 36
Price: Out of Stock
e'SinBad the Sailor 36
36" wing span powered glider Intended for RC but can be build FF if desired. Kit includes e'Pod, you will need to provide a 12mm can motor (Brushed or Outrunner) ESC & 3" Prop
camp e'Racer
Price: $28.49
camp e'Racer
This 15 1/5" wing span fantacy racer is fun for beginners and experts alike. Builds in 2 - 4 hours. Please specify first & second choice of colors available.
1/4" x 1/16" Rare Earth Magnets - 8
Price: $3.99
1/4" x 1/16" Rare Earth Magnets - 8
Pack of 8 0.25" x 0.0625" high power rare earth magnets.
1951 Flying Wing
Price: $121.00
1951 Flying Wing
55" span Air Trails flying wing design contest winner. Reproduced as a laser cut kit that can be built for RC or FF, glow or electric.
Chicken Hawk
Price: $129.98
Chicken Hawk
34” top/25" bottom wing span sesquiplane for COX 049 or Electric (add e'Package) RC model. Vintage (1963) design by Ted Strader, VRCS legal. Laser cut kit design by Mark Freeland. AMA Park legal with electric power.
Chicken Hawk - Servos Package
Price: $20.00
Chicken Hawk - Servos Package
add 2 servos to your Chicken Hawk order two TGY-50090M analog servos with metal output gears 1.6kg/0.08s/9g
Chicken Hawk e'Package
Price: $46.50
Chicken Hawk e'Package
add e'Package to your Chicken Hawk order Cobra 2205 2500kV outrunner C0x 049 - Outrunner adaptor mount 20A MayTech ESC with BEC 2mm Gold plated connector set (3 pair) 8 off 1/4" x 1/16" Battery Hatch Magnets
COX 049 to Outrunner adaptor mount
Price: $6.00
COX 049 to Outrunner adaptor mount
Adaptor motor mount for converting a model from a COX 049 to an outrunner. Rear plate has Cox tank mount hole spacing, front plate had 16mm/19mm outrunner mount holes. Stand-off height 1 3/16". (Motor not included)
wee Devil RC
Price: $60.49
wee Devil RC
29" wing span nostalgic pylon job with the looks of a 40's FF contest model.
the Saucerus RC
Price: Out of Stock
the Saucerus RC
19" diameter electric RC flying saucer. Aerobatic! Adapted from George P. Harrise's 1953 Sassy Saucer by Mark Freeland. Full kit, woth all needed hardware and full size plans.
Howard DGA3 "Pete" foamy
Price: $41.99
Howard DGA3 "Pete" foamy
This 20" wing span racer is a 1:12 scale kit of Benny Howard's 1931 DGA3 "Pete". Construction from styrene foam, carbon fiber rod, wood and card. All foam, wood & card parts laser cut.
Ebenezer RC the Limey
Price: $46.98
Ebenezer RC the Limey
20" wing span fun (not-scale) WWI British bi-plane. All sheet wood construction. Easy to build, easy to fly, two channel electric
Ebenezer RC the Hun
Price: $46.98
Ebenezer RC the Hun
19" wing span fun (not-scale) WWI German bi-plane. All sheet wood construction. Easy to build, easy to fly, two channel electric
50% Dallaire Sportster 1/2 A Texaco - Full Kit
Price: $168.98
50% Dallaire Sportster 1/2 A Texaco - Full Kit
54" span, SAM Legal 1/2A Texaco for Cox 049 or Electric powered. Designed in 1936 by Frank Dallaire from Detroit. 360 wing area. Can be built RC or FF. NOTE: PRICE INCLUDES USPS SHIPPING SIZE SURCHARGE OF $15.00
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